
by Spoonbender

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© Copyright 2001 - Spoonbender - Used by permission

Storycodes: n/a

This short story is not for minors or anyone else that doesn't like to read about young ladies being taken advantage of. This is copyright (c) 1997, by Spoonbender. It can be distributed freely as long as no charge is made for it and it isn't changed in any way. If it is archived it is on the basis that I have unrestricted access to the archive. This is all pure fiction, the figment of a peculiar mind (You don't honestly believe its real do you?) So no characters in it are based on real people, either living or dead. Don't flame me 
if you don't like my style, I'm still learning the craft. Email me if you have constructive criticism, or if you like it and want more. My address is [email protected].


"Shields down to 5 per cent commander." Screamed the Weapons officer.
"Engine room divert more power to the shields."
"I'm sorry Commander the inversion chamber has been damaged. I don't think 
Aaaaaaaaaaaargh...." There was a crash and the ship shook and tumbled through the sky like a leaf before the inertial stabiliser dampers kicked back on line.
"Engine room, Damage report? Where are you Sneed?"
The voice sounded faint. "He's dead sir, they'll all dead. We're all going to die."

Danajane was terrified. What had she done to deserve this? She was a scientist not a fighter. A very junior geological mapper and this was her first tour of duty. This was a supposed to be a simple surveying expedition, mapping out the geology of a promising looking planet which, hopefully, could be used to provide much needed colonisation space for a burgeoning human population. Then came the signal for them to return to Station Theta. The peace talks with the Morgons had broken down and rumour has it that their 6th battlefleet was in this quadrant.

So they had dropped their survey probes and hightailed it. They were only two light years away from the station when one, by one, the entire Morgon battlefleet had materialised. In front of them, behind them, around them. They had fought the good fight but were hopelessly outgunned by the strato- destroyers. Suddenly there was a huge crash and a rolling wave of flames as the doors disintegrated under the rays of the Morgon firethrowers. Danajane clasped her hands over her head and sunk to the floor screaming as the battle raged around her.

"How many prisoners?"
Harkass raised his left mandible. "Just one?"
"They fought hard Sir and there were no other females on board."
"Bring her to me." Harkass snapped.
She was paraded shaking and terrified in front of him. He looked down at her and then buzzed closer. She had a small compact body, with a fresh radiant beauty. A fresh peach at the peak of perfection. But to his eyes she was puny and weak and would be hard pushed to withstand the rigours of her forthcoming servitude.
"So little one what is your name?"

All she could hear was a series of grunts, whistles and pops. None of which were very intelligible.
"I'm a scientist, not a fighter. Please don't hurt me."
"Get the translation phones Skark. How these puny creatures ever hope to colonise space when they can't even perform simple translations is beyond me."
They placed the phones on her head. They were a bit awkward as they had been designed for races with three ear cavities, but they sufficed.

"Who are you?" Karkass asked again.
"My name is Danajane and I am a scientist from the survey vessel.."
"SILENCE. I am not interested in where you are from, just what you are. Are you a virgin?"
"What er I er why do you want to know?"

Missilwhips are very effective. Designed for herding the stubborn, thick skinned and tempestuous missilcows they proved devestating across the backside of a stubborn little human female. Danajane screamed piteously as the formic acid from the million little needles punctured her flesh. It was like being stung by a thousand jellyfish at once.
"I am getting angry. Now are you a virgin?"
"Yes." She whimpered.

A collective sigh went up over the amorphous blob that formed the bridge crew of the Morgon destroyer. "Strip her."
"No please." Screamed Danajane fearing the worst, even though she knew that Morgons bred by osmosis. A single, controlled shot from the firethrower burned her clothes off, without so much as singeing a single hair on her body. Harkass gazed at her nearly nude crotch. Most of the female captives had thickets of hair down there, now he had one with just a small clump of fiery red tufts to match the blaze of her head. Fire red it seemed appropriate somehow.

This one can be the new bridge shield. He was looking forward to thinking about her when he engaged the puny galactic fleet they had despatched against him.
"Bridge forward one position." Shouted Harkass.
A cloud of pink gas descended on her and bore her away.

The other females looked exhausted. They hung in their harnesses covered in sweat and gasping for air. Danajane was quickly manoevered into position to match that of the other females in the long dismal corridor. Her arms were strapped onto poles that stuck out from the clammy wall of the ship and her backside was positioned on a U shaped seat. Then her legs were bent down and strapped at the thigh, knee and ankle leaving her spread wide in humiliating shame. A tube was positioned just in front of her mouth. They then spent some time lining up a bulky looking machine over her body. Finally they strapped her waist firmly to the side of the ship. The pink cloud dissipated and she hung in her straps.

One by one the dazed women regained their composure. Then the one opposite raised her head and regarded Danajane.
"So you are the result of the fight hey?"
"Yes I'm Danajane. What are you er we all doing here."
"I am firstgun top formally known as Seethmantrica. What is your position?"
"What do you mean?"
"What did they say before you were brought down here?"
"Er Bridge forward one position, I think."
"So you will be a busy girl. A very busy girl. You are not a virgin are you?"
Danajane blushed. "Er yes. Why does everyone want to know."

One of the other women laughed, a bitter, ironic, cackle.
"It is Harkass's Joke, putting a virgin into Bridge Forward one. He knows she will be in pain, it strengthens the shield."
"Don't mind Cargocover two. She's been here too long."
"Er Seethmantrica, can I ask you a question."
"Don't call us by our previous names it is forbidden. I am firstgun top and you are bridge forward one. Do you understand?"
"So what is your question?"
"Why are we here?"
"A good question bridge forward one. We are supplying a very valuable commodity for the Morgons. You see they need a certain compound in order for their shields to be effective, they searched the universe for it then, by chance, they found a unique source of that compound. Which was available in liberal quantities when the conditions were right. They needed the 
compound for use in their continuing war with the Quageelers. Which is why they were bothering to negotiate with the Humans at all. They had a basic understanding between the two species but then the talks broke down because they couldn't agree on the quantity of the compound generators that were to be supplied."

"Has this compound got anything to do with why we're here?"
"It has everything to do with why we're here?"
"Why? What is it?"
"Pussyjuice." Said Seethmantrica.

"Do you have them on scanners?"
"Yes Commander Harkass."
"Forty two vessels, of which 19 are Strato class destroyers."
"Good then we will have a good fight today."
Briefly he thought of Red, then he gave the order. "Raise Shields."

"What's happening?" Screamed the terrified girl as the clanging of the alarm reverberated through the ship. "You'll see." Cackled Cargocover two. Danajane tugged at her straps when she felt the machine between her legs suddenly throb into life. She looked around, searching frantically for some escape. She noticed that most of the girls were looking at her. Seethmantrica had her eyes closed in concentration. Suddenly they snapped open.
"Relax bridge forward one. It will be easier."

The probe rammed into Danajane sundering her carefully hoarded virginity like paper. It was stiff and rough like a very hard sponge. It lingered for a brief moment then it started pumping frantically. Danajane twisted and turned as best as she could in the bondage but the probe was brutal and relentless, pounding away at the centre of her being as it tried to draw her precious fluids from her and into the shield mechanism. Meanwhile the massage units kicked in, massaging every part of her body with warm fur. Her breasts receieved the most attention as they were gently kneaded whilst the nipples were teasingly sucked.

Wildly she looked around and saw that most of the girls were similarly engaged. Soon their moans of pain were replaced by moans of lust as the machines did their work. A fire started to build in her belly. Onward and upward it roared until it seemed like her body could contain it no longer and she orgasmed in a welter of juices.

"Bridge forward shield up to 100 per cent Sir."

The bridge took two hits simulataneouly. The shield value dropping alarmingly.

Deep, deep, down in the bowels of the ship the young girl writhed in hopeless lust as the probe doubled then tripled its speed. Her head shook, whipping her hair backwards and forwards across her sweaty red face. Her feet drummed a tattoo as the orgasm hit, creating a white hot supanova of pure ecstacy. The machine was rewarded with a gout of precious cream and the shield value slipped up by ten per cent. The probe thundered on.

The battle raged for hours with the ponderous fighting ships pounding each other like drunken bare knuckle boxers. Finally the Morgons started to yield as one by one, as their shields lost their effectiveness or in some cases died completely.

Eventually Harkass called off the fight and his ships cloaked and hyperspaced out. He wasn't worried about the battle. There would be others and he would be better prepared next time. He'd captured nearly two hundred new shield generators to replace those too worn out or sick to provide adequate cover. These he left behind to be integrated back with their species.

Just as he engaged the drive he glanced up at the bridge forward one shield indicator. It still read 100 per cent. He clapped his spartucles together. He was looking forward to testing her in the many great battles to come.