The Herb Plot 5

by Zack

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© Copyright 2004 - Zack - Used by permission

Storycodes: M+/ff; bondage; kidnap; nc; X

(story continues from )

The Star Fleet Series
The Herb Plot - Chapter 5
by Zack
The Herb Plot 3 by Zack
Chapter 5

Athel didn't see Carin the next morning, but he wasn't surprised; her business kept her up late.  But when he hadn't seen her by noon he started to worry.  He checked her room, and when he didn't find her there he went to the tavern.

There was a large crowd around the bar, but he managed to get the bartender's attention.  "Tradlo, have you seen Carin today?"

"No, she hasn't been here.  Isn't she in her room?"

"No, and I'm becoming concerned.  I saw her last night, as she left for the Council meeting.  Jani was with her, and she said Jani was going to tell the queen about a plot she had discovered."

"They must be at the palace then.  If they told the queen about a plot she would probably want them to stay there while she investigated it."

"You're likely right.  I hadn't thought about that."  Athel's worry decreased a bit. "I've got to get back to work.  Would you let me know when you see Carin?  Or Jani?"

"I'll do that."  Tradlo turned to some customers clamoring for his attention, and Athel went back to his office.

Hovat was there, and for once he was performing in his role as Athel's clerk.  He was standing behind a high desk and using a quill pen to make some entries in the business ledger.

"Hovat, have you seen Carin or Jani today?"

"No, but I wouldn't expect to.  Why do you ask?"

"No one has seen them today.  I'm worried, Hovat."

"It is unusual for Carin to go away without leaving a message, but it could happen.  There's no real reason to be concerned."

"Carin was going to give me the details of the plot Jani discovered.  She told me she talked to you about it, and that you objected to telling the queen because of First Directive concerns."

"I did have some concerns, but after some thought I've decided they were groundless.  If Jani doesn't have to go out of character to tell the queen it isn't a problem.  That doesn't mean there was anything to Jani's story, though."

"What was her story?  She told you, didn't she?"

"I was present when she told Carin.  She said one of her customers, who claimed to be a priest of Sigur, told her that Mavolo planned to give the queen some drug that would hypnotize her.  Jani was upset, but the whole thing is preposterous.  I think what really happened was the customer recognized how gullible Jani is and decided to have some fun at her expense."

"That may be, but where are Carin and Jani now?  Tradlo, Carin's bartender, suggested they stayed at the palace while the queen checked out the plot story."

"Or else the queen got angry at having her time wasted with this ridiculous tale and threw them both into prison.  Carin may idolize her, but Narona didn't become queen by being nice.  Behind her sweet facade she's cruel and tyrannical."

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Leave everything to me.  I have some contacts at the palace, and I'll see what I can find out.  Carin and Jani may in fact be hiding there.  If so they should come back soon.  If they're in prison we can bail them out once the queen cools down.  I'll be acting as Team Leader until Carin returns."  Hovat closed the ledger, wiped his pen, and sealed his ink bottle.  "I'll be back as soon as I have any news."  He left by the front door.

Athel felt better now that they were doing something, but he was still not completely sure that Carin and Jani weren't in trouble.  Still, what could be done until they had more information?

A few hours later Athel was working in his office when an officer of the Queen's Guard entered.  He stood up from his desk and said respectfully, "Greeting, sir.  Can I help you?"

"I am Captain Warno.  Her Majesty has ordered me to determine why Carin did not attend the Merchant's Council meeting yesterday.  The bartender at Smade's said she lives here.  Is that correct?"

"Yes, Captain.  She rents a room on the second floor."  Carin missed the meeting?  Athel's pulse quickened.  This could be serious, for many reasons.

"He also said that you had been there looking for her.  Are you... involved with her?"

"Only as her landlord, Captain."  Athel thought fast.  "I saw her last night, and she wished to discuss her lease today.  When I didn't see her this morning I thought perhaps she had forgotten, so I went to the tavern to remind her.  But you say she didn't attend the Council meeting? When I saw her last night she was just leaving here, and she said she was on her way to the meeting."

"What time was this?"

"About an hour after sunset.  Carin said the meeting had been postponed because the queen had other business at the regular meeting time."

"Show me her room."

"Certainly, sir.  Right this way."  No risk in doing this.  Everyone was careful to keep all off-world material out of their rooms.

Athel led the captain out of the office, across a small entry hall, and up a steep flight of stairs to the second floor.  They went down a dark hallway to the second door on the right.  Captain Warno opened the paneled wooden door and entered the sparsely furnished room.  There was a single bed, a commode, a large wardrobe, and a small table with one straight chair.  The furniture was plain and cheap. He opened the wardrobe, revealing three dresses and a heavy winter cloak.

"Tell me more about your meeting with Carin.  Where were you at the time?"

"Downstairs, in the hall just inside the alley door."

"Was she alone?"

"No, she was with Jani, one of the girls who work upstairs at the tavern.  She said Jani was going to the meeting too."

"Why should she take a prostitute to meet Her Majesty?"

Should he tell the captain about Mavolo and the alleged plot?  No, he didn't have any details, and it might involve him in a palace intrigue.  He gave a half-truth.  "She said that Jani had a message for the queen."

"Message?  What kind of message?

"I don't know, Captain.  I didn't ask."

"Didn't you worry about two women going about the city alone after dark?"

"Yes, and I offered to escort them to the palace, but Carin refused.  It was still twilight, and Carin was used to taking care of herself."  He was really regretting that he hadn't insisted on going with them.

"Does Carin have any men friends?"

"Not that I know of.  But I don't monitor her, Captain.  She is a widow, and an adult."

"Do you live here alone?"

Athel flushed.  "No, my wife lives with me.  Also, my clerk has a room in the back."

"Did either of them see Carin leave?  How about your servants?"

"My wife is on a pilgrimage and won't be back for a few days.  I don't know where Hovat was; in his room asleep, most likely.  We don't have any live-in servants, just day workers."

Captain Warno raised his eyebrow at this; it was unusual for a prosperous merchant not to have a large live-in staff. "What do you think happened to Carin?"

"I don't know Captain, but I'm very concerned.  Carin is very proud of being on the Merchant's Council.  She would never have missed the meeting voluntarily.  I know she left here planning to attend it."

The men returned downstairs.  Captain Warno opened the door to the street.  "If you see Carin, tell her that Her Majesty wants to see her at once."

"Yes, sir.  I'll do that."  Athel returned to his office, a very worried man.

Captain Warno stood in the street considering his next move.  If Carin did leave for the meeting, there was a good chance she met up with footpads somewhere between here and the palace.  If that were the case, her body should turn up soon.  If she didn't leave here, then Athel was probably responsible for her disappearance.  He was definitely hiding something.  Yet why would he pick a time to get rid of Carin that made him the most obvious suspect?  And where did this Jani fit?  He decided to return to the tavern and ask some more questions there.  And get a drink.

Hovat returned to the office about an hour after Captain Warno departed.  Athel asked, "What did you find out?"

"I don't think she's at the palace.  Nobody admits to seeing her."

"While you were out a guard captain came here.  Apparently Carin didn't make it to the Council meeting. The queen wants to know why not."

"What did you tell him?"

"That I saw Carin and Jani leave last night for the meeting."

"Did you say anything about the plot?"

"No, I don't really know anything about it, so I didn't mention it.  Hovat, I think we should tell the university that Carin and Jani have disappeared."

"Let's wait a while before we do that.  They may turn up, or we may get some more information.  We don't want to alarm the university unnecessarily."

Athel was uneasy about this.  He decided if Carin and Jani didn't return soon he was going to tell the university, no matter what Hovat said.

End of Chapter 5

Copyright © 2004 by Zack. All rights reserved.
I welcome your comments. Email me at or

The Herb Plot
by Zack

Chapter 5

Athel didn't see Carin the next morning, but he wasn't surprised; her business kept her up late.  But when he hadn't seen her by noon he started to worry.  He checked her room, and when he didn't find her there he went to the tavern.

There was a large crowd around the bar, but he managed to get the bartender's attention.  "Tradlo, have you seen Carin today?"

"No, she hasn't been here.  Isn't she in her room?"

"No, and I'm becoming concerned.  I saw her last night, as she left for the Council meeting.  Jani was with her, and she said Jani was going to tell the queen about a plot she had discovered."

"They must be at the palace then.  If they told the queen about a plot she would probably want them to stay there while she investigated it."

"You're likely right.  I hadn't thought about that."  Athel's worry decreased a bit. "I've got to get back to work.  Would you let me know when you see Carin?  Or Jani?"

"I'll do that."  Tradlo turned to some customers clamoring for his attention, and Athel went back to his office.

Hovat was there, and for once he was performing in his role as Athel's clerk.  He was standing behind a high desk and using a quill pen to make some entries in the business ledger.

"Hovat, have you seen Carin or Jani today?"

"No, but I wouldn't expect to.  Why do you ask?"

"No one has seen them today.  I'm worried, Hovat."

"It is unusual for Carin to go away without leaving a message, but it could happen.  There's no real reason to be concerned."

"Carin was going to give me the details of the plot Jani discovered.  She told me she talked to you about it, and that you objected to telling the queen because of First Directive concerns."

"I did have some concerns, but after some thought I've decided they were groundless.  If Jani doesn't have to go out of character to tell the queen it isn't a problem.  That doesn't mean there was anything to Jani's story, though."

"What was her story?  She told you, didn't she?"

"I was present when she told Carin.  She said one of her customers, who claimed to be a priest of Sigur, told her that Mavolo planned to give the queen some drug that would hypnotize her.  Jani was upset, but the whole thing is preposterous.  I think what really happened was the customer recognized how gullible Jani is and decided to have some fun at her expense."

"That may be, but where are Carin and Jani now?  Tradlo, Carin's bartender, suggested they stayed at the palace while the queen checked out the plot story."

"Or else the queen got angry at having her time wasted with this ridiculous tale and threw them both into prison.  Carin may idolize her, but Narona didn't become queen by being nice.  Behind her sweet facade she's cruel and tyrannical."

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Leave everything to me.  I have some contacts at the palace, and I'll see what I can find out.  Carin and Jani may in fact be hiding there.  If so they should come back soon.  If they're in prison we can bail them out once the queen cools down.  I'll be acting as Team Leader until Carin returns."  Hovat closed the ledger, wiped his pen, and sealed his ink bottle.  "I'll be back as soon as I have any news."  He left by the front door.

Athel felt better now that they were doing something, but he was still not completely sure that Carin and Jani weren't in trouble.  Still, what could be done until they had more information?

A few hours later Athel was working in his office when an officer of the Queen's Guard entered.  He stood up from his desk and said respectfully, "Greeting, sir.  Can I help you?"

"I am Captain Warno.  Her Majesty has ordered me to determine why Carin did not attend the Merchant's Council meeting yesterday.  The bartender at Smade's said she lives here.  Is that correct?"

"Yes, Captain.  She rents a room on the second floor."  Carin missed the meeting?  Athel's pulse quickened.  This could be serious, for many reasons.

"He also said that you had been there looking for her.  Are you... involved with her?"

"Only as her landlord, Captain."  Athel thought fast.  "I saw her last night, and she wished to discuss her lease today.  When I didn't see her this morning I thought perhaps she had forgotten, so I went to the tavern to remind her.  But you say she didn't attend the Council meeting? When I saw her last night she was just leaving here, and she said she was on her way to the meeting."

"What time was this?"

"About an hour after sunset.  Carin said the meeting had been postponed because the queen had other business at the regular meeting time."

"Show me her room."

"Certainly, sir.  Right this way."  No risk in doing this.  Everyone was careful to keep all off-world material out of their rooms.

Athel led the captain out of the office, across a small entry hall, and up a steep flight of stairs to the second floor.  They went down a dark hallway to the second door on the right.  Captain Warno opened the paneled wooden door and entered the sparsely furnished room.  There was a single bed, a commode, a large wardrobe, and a small table with one straight chair.  The furniture was plain and cheap. He opened the wardrobe, revealing three dresses and a heavy winter cloak.

"Tell me more about your meeting with Carin.  Where were you at the time?"

"Downstairs, in the hall just inside the alley door."

"Was she alone?"

"No, she was with Jani, one of the girls who work upstairs at the tavern.  She said Jani was going to the meeting too."

"Why should she take a prostitute to meet Her Majesty?"

Should he tell the captain about Mavolo and the alleged plot?  No, he didn't have any details, and it might involve him in a palace intrigue.  He gave a half-truth.  "She said that Jani had a message for the queen."

"Message?  What kind of message?

"I don't know, Captain.  I didn't ask."

"Didn't you worry about two women going about the city alone after dark?"

"Yes, and I offered to escort them to the palace, but Carin refused.  It was still twilight, and Carin was used to taking care of herself."  He was really regretting that he hadn't insisted on going with them.

"Does Carin have any men friends?"

"Not that I know of.  But I don't monitor her, Captain.  She is a widow, and an adult."

"Do you live here alone?"

Athel flushed.  "No, my wife lives with me.  Also, my clerk has a room in the back."

"Did either of them see Carin leave?  How about your servants?"

"My wife is on a pilgrimage and won't be back for a few days.  I don't know where Hovat was; in his room asleep, most likely.  We don't have any live-in servants, just day workers."

Captain Warno raised his eyebrow at this; it was unusual for a prosperous merchant not to have a large live-in staff. "What do you think happened to Carin?"

"I don't know Captain, but I'm very concerned.  Carin is very proud of being on the Merchant's Council.  She would never have missed the meeting voluntarily.  I know she left here planning to attend it."

The men returned downstairs.  Captain Warno opened the door to the street.  "If you see Carin, tell her that Her Majesty wants to see her at once."

"Yes, sir.  I'll do that."  Athel returned to his office, a very worried man.

Captain Warno stood in the street considering his next move.  If Carin did leave for the meeting, there was a good chance she met up with footpads somewhere between here and the palace.  If that were the case, her body should turn up soon.  If she didn't leave here, then Athel was probably responsible for her disappearance.  He was definitely hiding something.  Yet why would he pick a time to get rid of Carin that made him the most obvious suspect?  And where did this Jani fit?  He decided to return to the tavern and ask some more questions there.  And get a drink.

Hovat returned to the office about an hour after Captain Warno departed.  Athel asked, "What did you find out?"

"I don't think she's at the palace.  Nobody admits to seeing her."

"While you were out a guard captain came here.  Apparently Carin didn't make it to the Council meeting. The queen wants to know why not."

"What did you tell him?"

"That I saw Carin and Jani leave last night for the meeting."

"Did you say anything about the plot?"

"No, I don't really know anything about it, so I didn't mention it.  Hovat, I think we should tell the university that Carin and Jani have disappeared."

"Let's wait a while before we do that.  They may turn up, or we may get some more information.  We don't want to alarm the university unnecessarily."

Athel was uneasy about this.  He decided if Carin and Jani didn't return soon he was going to tell the university, no matter what Hovat said.

End of Chapter 5

Copyright © 2004 by Zack. All rights reserved.
I welcome your comments. Email me at or



story continues in
