Twas the Night after Christmas

by Cropsncuffs

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© Copyright 2008 - Cropsncuffs - Used by permission

Storycodes: Other/f; elves; bond; kidnap; oral; toys; reluct; X

Twas a night after Christmas and something was moving, and it wasn’t a mouse.

Katharine rolled over bed and pulled the sheets about herself, her long dark hair falling over her shoulder in a solid curtain. She luxuriated in the warmth for a moment, murmuring quietly to herself as she rose slowly from the depths of sleep to waking. Opening a lazy eye she saw something on the bed that she was sure had not been there when she had gone to sleep.

Reaching out a hand she picked up a red Christmas gift bow and peered at it closely. Christmas had been a couple of days ago and she could have sworn that she had cleared away all the old wrapping. And she couldn’t even remember ever having seen it before anyway. Some loose ends of ribbon hung down from the main bow, and there seemed to be some crude piece of plastic on the back where it should have fitted flush onto a present. She flicked it aside and rolled back onto the pillows.

She started as something moved on the very edge of her vision. Her head snapped round, but there was nothing there. Another quick movement over to the right, but again there was nothing there when she looked. Shaking her head she sank back onto the bed. Still tired she guessed, and still some surplus booze flowing thorough her system as well. Her eyes closed as sleep beckoned again, then snapped open as she felt something gently tickling her bare ankle where it emerged from the edge of the blanket. She lifted her head off the pillow again, then sat sharply upright in bed as she saw a figure standing by the corner of her bed.

The figure was small, standing maybe four feet tall and undeniably female. To Katharine’s sleepy mind it wildly resembled nothing so much as an upright Bratz doll. Long hair, big eyes, and a chest the damn near overflowed her cropped top. There were tight hot pants and slender legs, and despite being indoors her mass of hair seemed to be gently moving, stirred by a nonexistent wind.

A long pink ribbon spilled from her hand, the very end of which was gently brushing against her ankle, tickling it softly. As Katharine watched it, it twirled itself about her ankle and fashioned itself into a large bow, pulling itself tight. The smiling figure dropped her end of the ribbon to the floor, and seconds later Katharine felt her ankle jerked away from her as the other end of the ribbon made itself fast around the bed leg and pulled itself tight.

“Hey” yelled Katharine, desperately pulling at the suddenly restrained ankle while the female figure threw her head back and laughed out loud. But it was a laugh with a nasty metallic edge and Katharine suddenly felt very afraid.

The figure twirled her palm, and from nowhere a bunch of the same pink ribbon swirled. Laughing again she threw it towards Katharine. Despite being tethered at one corner Katharine threw herself out of the way of the writhing mass. Where it came to rest on the bed it rolled and rustled back and forth before finally lying still.

A terrible tickling at her left wrist made Katharine snap her head round to see another of the diminutive figures standing by her bedhead. The magic ribbon was already forming itself into an ornate bow about her wrist, and the free end was slithering away off the edge of the bed.

“No” she screamed, hurling herself up off the mattress and way from that corner of the bed, desperately pulling at the ribbon. She managed to get herself sitting upright, her arm outstretched and waving before she felt the tension in that long ribbon start to reel her back onto the pillows.

Both figures were laughing now as they watched Katharine fighting a losing battle with the pink ribbon. She was nearly sobbing by the time she had been dragged was flat on her back, stretched diagonally across her bed.

“So pretty” said one of the figures, “And so lost!”

Katharine watched as the first of the figures moved to her remaining free ankle and pull back to sheet to reveal it. Smiling all the time she cupped her hands, and from the empty space between her palms she suddenly poured a torrent of the pink ribbon. Seconds later her ankle was swathed in a huge pink bow and her legs helplessly spread by their evil tension.

Without a word the second figure picked up the mass of ribbons from where it lay on the bed and walked silently to Katharine’s last remain free limb. Katharine could tell she was wearing massive heels from the way she walked, and she did not fight as the figure pressed the mass of ribbons to her hand. Katharine watched fascinated yet horrified as the ribbon formed itself into the pretty bow and with dismay she saw the loose ends magically lengthen and vanish over the edge of the bed to seek some means of anchoring her. Moments later she was helplessly spreadeagled on her own bed.

“Who the hell are you ?” she pleaded, “And how did you just do that ?”

“My dear girl,” said the second figure, “We are elves of course. Santas elves. And when Santa has delivered all his presents, we are allowed to collect a few of our own for ourselves to keep us occupied for the next year. He lends us his list you know.”

“So what happens now?” Katharine asked, “Where do we go from here?”

“Oh, you get to spend some time where every child wants to go. You are going to spend the next year with Santas little helpers. Keeping us entertained.”

Katharine threw everything she had into fighting those evil pink ribbons as what they said sank in. And they stood back arm in arm and laughed out loud as she thrashed about, the ribbons pulling even tighter in response to her struggles until all she could move was her head.

“It’s not so bad,” said the second of the elves, “You will spend a year experiencing the most intense pleasures you can imagine.” As she spoke she started to run her fingertips up the inside of Katharine’s leg, caressing her softly. “And when we return you this time next year, it will be as if no time has passed. No-one will know you have been away, no time will have passed in this world.”

Now her fingers were tracing tiny patterns on her tender inner thighs. “Yet you will always have your memories.” The fingers suddenly caressed Katharine’s tenderest spot.

“And what memories they will be?”

Katharine allowed her head to fall back onto the pillows, moaning softly as the elf’s fingers made their presence felt about her clit. She felt something touch her mouth, and automatically her lips parted as she half-opened her eyes. The first elf was pressing the ornate present bow against her mouth, the moulding beneath suddenly warm and writhing in her mouth. She opened her mouth wide to cry out, and the wriggling mass suddenly expanded to fill her mouth as she felt the trailing ribbons slithering about her neck to knot in the soft hair at the nape of her neck. She cried out in horror, but the only sound she could make was a frustrated gurgling, and for the first time she realised that the first elf had been right. She really was lost.

“And of course,” said the first elf, “We must not forget your friend.”

Katharine suddenly remembered Lisa sleeping in the next room. She made to cry out, but a sudden movement of the mass in her mouth rendered her silent.

“Would you like to watch?” one asked, and Katharine could not stop herself from nodding in her terrible bondage. Some terrible fascination made her want to see how her friend would be taken. The air above her shimmered, and a globe formed that showed Lisa’s room next door. She was parading up and in front of the large mirror wearing a bikini made of the insidious pink ribbons and bows, clearly with no idea of her fate. Each of her generous breasts were surmounted by one of the pink present bows, while another sat at the very base of her spine held in place by a web of ribbon between her legs.

“It’s such a versatile material,” said the second elf, “It changes itself to suit the subject to capture them. Such fun to watch!”

Katharine’s eyes widened as she watched Lisa’s face change. One moment she was smiling, the next she was dancing as if tormented, her hands flying to the big bow at the rear of the panties.

“Ah, the anal assault always brings the hands round to the right place,” said the second elf, “Never fails.”

Katharine watched horrified but helpless as Lisa tugged desperately at the waistband of the panties as something probed fervently where she did not wish it to go. Then her fate was sealed as she tugged lower and ignored the fleeting feeling of something moving. And moments later the bow threw out fresh ribbons that made prisoners of Lisa’s wrists, fastening them immovably to the small of her back.

Lisa thrashed about the room, swearing and desperately tugging at her wrists and trying to rub them off against items of furniture to no avail. Lisa’s frustrated face filled the globe when it changed. For a moment it froze, them melted into a moaning passion as the bows on her chest set to work on her tender nipples. Seconds later she was lying back on the bed crying out with a frustrated mixture of torment and orgasm, and Katharine was suddenly envious of the way she had been captured.

* * * * *

I don’t know how long we’ve been here. Or the others. It might be days, it might be months. Everything is a blur of pleasure and pain. Lisa is over by the wall, swathed from head to foot in wide straps of ribbon. Waves are visibly running up and down her body, massaging every inch of her body. She is crying out with frustration as it always stops just short of allowing her the orgasm she so desperately desires. Somewhere nearby elves are taking bets on how long they can keep like that before she comes.

Over in the corner is Jacqui. She refuses to submit to the pleasures of the elves. All we can see of her is her head and hands where they stick up out of the wooden floor. As if in an upright pillory. Her hands are trapped either side of her thrashing head, windmilling impotently as something assaults her hidden naked body. Sometimes she is crying, sometimes laughing hysterically, but always tormented. And she will remain until she breaks, as she undoubtedly will. No-one could take that for a whole year.

Me, I’m in this cage. Resting. At least for the moment. The last time I was outside they took bets on how many orgasms they could give me in a set space of time. And soon it will be my turn again. I can see them assembling a frame of metal bars with a steel collar somewhere near the front, so it looks like head and arse up for me. I wonder what will happen then, and whether I really last the year…….
