Bondage Paradise 1: Monday

by Doctor Fetish

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© Copyright 2014 - Doctor Fetish - Used by permission

Storycodes: Solo-F; hotel; fetishes; pvc; latex; maid; voy; sbf; cuffs; collar; chast; bfold; gag; cons; X

This series of stories takes place in a not so distant future that is pretty much identical to the world we live in now, with a few differences. Several major breakthroughs in medical research have eradicated all known STD’s, all forms of allergies and practically all forms of cancer. The technology is also somewhat more advanced then in our current world, but not to any extremes. A third difference is that the world is a lot more open-minded. The stories in this series can be read independently from each other, but references to events and persons in earlier stories is likely to occur. Parts of the same story should be read in order.

The main location of the stories is Bondage Paradise. This is a large, privately owned island located somewhere in Asia. In short, it’s a huge vacation resort for everyone interested in any form or B/D, D/s, S/M or who have a sexual fetish of some kind, the Paradise tries to provide for everyone. There are only two things the Paradise does not condone: The involvement of minors, everyone has to be at least 18 years or older to be allowed onto the island, and bestiality. Age-play and simulated bestiality are allowed, as long as no real minors or animals are involved, The Paradise also has a set of regulations to lessen the risks involved in some of the more extreme/dangerous games, for example breath-play.

The Paradise’s main attraction is the Mansion. This is a large hotel in the style of a Victorian-era mansion. It has 275 rooms ranging from small single rooms to huge suits. All rooms come with a selectable, but limited and basic, variety of bondage and fetish equipment. Some of the single rooms are specially equipped for self-bondage. In the huge basement there are several rentable playrooms of various sizes with more, and more sophisticated, equipment then can be provided in the rooms, that can be rented. A few of these playrooms are also specially equipped for self-bondage. There are also two huge public dungeons where basically anything, except the more extreme forms of play, is allowed.

For those interested in serious pet-play, the Paradise has a special area that is dedicated for just that. The area has every thing needed for full time Puppy- Pony- Cat- Cow- or almost any other thinkable pet-play forms.

Another very popular feature of the Paradise is the slave auctions. The Paradise holds two types of auctions, ‘Standard’ and ‘Themed’ The ‘Standard auctions are held on Friday nights, and the ‘Themed’ are held on Wednesdays nights. While ‘Standard’ auctions are held every week, ‘Themed’ auctions are held roughly twice a month and on a rotating schedule so each ‘Theme’ happens about twice a year. The auctions work on a voluntary basis, and no real money is ever exchanged in the sales. Any guests who wish to be sold at the auction simply need to fill out a form with their limits and contract length. The contract lengths are specified to 24, 48, 72 or 168 hours (full week), the time counting from the time of the sale.

The reason no real money is used is simply to ensure that all potential buyers, the extremely rich as well as those with a very limited budget, have a fair chance. Every bidder is randomly allocated a number of ‘credits’, ranging from 1 million to 1.5 million, which they can use during the auction.

Chapter 1. Mandy’s Vacation

Part 1: Monday

Monday, Week One.

A loud ‘ping’ caused Mandy Stanton to look up from the book she was reading. The pilot had just turned on the ‘Fasten Your Seatbelts’ sign. Mandy put her book aside and struggled a few seconds getting her belt on. The book had done its trick and kept her mind occupied during the long flight, but now that landing was just a few minutes away her thoughts started filling up with what lay ahead.

She had saved up for this vacation trip for almost five years, and she still had problems believing that it was happening. This was going to be her ultimate dream vacation. Her ‘desk-jockey’ job was not over exciting, or hard for that matter, but it helped pay the bills and the pay was good enough to let her allow herself a little luxury now and then.

At first the vacation she had planed had been a fairly ordinary one, a cruise trip in the Caribbean or something along those lines. But about two and a half year ago she had started seriously looking at what vacation she wanted, and then she had found the advert on the internet.

At first she had thought it would be way too expensive for her budget, but a little research showed that she actually could afford it. The place was incredible and more then anything she could ever dream about. Practically anything could be customized to her desires, and when she had finally decided just what she wanted it turned out it would take almost two more years to save up for it, but she was sure it would be worth it. Eight months ago she had made the reservation, and now she was on her way.

The plane landed smoothly and taxied to the terminal without any problems. As Mandy got up and took down her carry-on bag, she silently wondered how many of the other passengers on the plane that were going to the same place as she was. While waiting for her luggage she looked around at the hundreds of people stating around her. A few of them she suspected had the same destination as her, but it was hard to tell.

Security and customs went without a hitch and outside the airport was a large bus with a “BP” logo on the side. It was very discrete, nothing more then two stylized letters, just as the information letter had said. The world had become much more open-minded over the past decades, and it was pretty much common knowledge around here what the letters in the logo meant, but the discretion was still much appreciated.

As she stepped on the bus, Mandy smiled as she noticed two of the three people she had previously suspected going to the same places as she. She was a little surprised that the bus was only about half full when it pulled away from the airport, she had thought it would be packed full.

The bus ride took almost an hour and again Mandy occupied herself with her book, a criminal detective story that was very well written and interesting. The bus stopped at a dock where a large catamaran ferry waited. The transfer to the ferry took only a few minutes and soon it was speeding across the ocean in over 40 knots. Even at that speed, it took two full hours before the ferry reached the final destination. As Mandy left the ferry and walked into the terminal she immediately noticed a huge banner hanging on the back wall: “WELCOME TO BONDAGE PARADISE”.

There was a new security checkpoint in the ferry terminal, but the only thing checked here was that everyone actually had reservations and that no one was underage.

“Welcome to the Bondage Paradise, and I hope you really enjoy your stay Miss Stanton.”  The security person said with a smile as he handed back her reservation confirmation and ID.

“Thank you, I am sure I will.” Mandy said, feeling herself blushing.

“As you have probably read in the information letter you got with your reservation confirmation, no motor vehicles are allowed on the island. There are two ways to get to the Mansion, either you use the moving walkway underground, or walk above ground. The walkway takes about six minutes, and walking above ground takes about ten to fifteen minutes.”

“I think I will use the walkway then, my luggage does weigh a bit.” Mandy said.

“You will find the stairs and elevators about 30 meters in that direction Miss.” The security person said and pointed.

“Thank you very much for your help.” Mandy said with a smile.

“You are welcome Miss, and again I do hope you really enjoy your stay here at Bondage Paradise.”

Mandy walked to the stairs and headed down to the moving walkway. Her luggage did weigh a bit and she was glad she did not have to carry it all the way to the Mansion. At the end of the walkway a new set of stairs led up to ground level. As she reached ground level and stepped out she saw the mansion, and she had to stop and just look. She had seen lots of pictures of it on the internet, but nothing had prepared her for seeing it for real. It was an amazingly beautiful, and large, building.

As she walked towards the front doors she looked around, but she could not see any other guests other than the newcomers. The lobby was also a little disappointing, it was a quite small room, at least relatively to the size of the mansion, and there were no other guests in there either.

The receptionist, who was dressed just as any other hotel receptionist around the world, took her reservation confirmation and then asked her to put her thumb against a plate and look into a retina scanner. A few seconds later the receptionist looked at Mandy with a smile.

“There we go, the door to your room is now set to allow you access. Your room is C315. It is located on the third floor in the north-east wing.”

“Thank you very much, but how do I get there?”

“Just walk thru those curtains and there will be someone who will show you the way Miss Stanton.”

“Thank you.” Mandy said.

She headed towards the curtains and as she passed them she saw that there was short corridor, about five meters long, and then a second set of curtains. The closer to the second curtains she came she noticed a rising noise. A quick glance around told her that the corridor was a sound baffler, probably to keep the noise from being heard in the lobby.

The slight disappointment she had felt so far at not seeing any other guests was blown away as soon as she stepped thru the second curtain. The room she entered was huge, to say the least. It was some kind of enormous common room. There were sofas, armchairs and tables spread out everywhere, and many of the sets were occupied by guests. At one set of four armchairs with a round table in the middle, she saw three men sitting and talking, beside them were two women and one man kneeling on the floor. All the men in the armchairs were casually dressed, but the kneeling persons were all naked except for collars around their necks.

Something in the corner of her eye made Mandy turn her head just in time to see a tall woman, completely covered in shining red and black latex walk by on incredibly high heels. Behind her was a person, Mandy could not tell if it was a man or woman, crawling on all four, also completely covered in shining yellow latex, led by the woman with a chain leash to a sturdy collar. This place really was all she had hoped for, and more so, much more so.

Then a sound beside her caught her attention. Beside her was a young man in his early twenties dressed in a fairly standard hotel uniform, standard except for the fact that it was made from shining latex. The young man was looking at her with a friendly smile.

“Welcome Miss, can I help you in any way?” The young man said.

“Uh.. ah… Yes. I am trying to find the way to my room.”

“May I ask what your room number is, Miss?”

Mandy had to look at her papers to remember it.


“Please follow me, Miss.” The young man said and gestured towards one end of the huge common room.

Mandy reached down to pick up her luggage but the bellboy had already taken it. He led her to a set of elevators beside a set of large, broad stairs. When the elevator doors had closed the young man looked at Mandy again.

“There is no need to feel embarrassed for your reaction when you stepped thru the curtain, Miss. Every guest reacts that way on their first visit, and we always wait a little to let them take in the sight before we offer our help.”

“I was that obvious, was I?” Mandy asked with a slight blush.

“I have seen lots worse, Miss.” The bellboy said with a warm smile. “I have seen some people literally start drooling.”

Mandy could not help but laugh. The young mans warm friendliness was very comforting.

The elevator door opened and they stepped into a large, wide corridor. Some way down the corridor was the door to her room. Mandy put her thumb against the plate beside it and her eye against the retina scanner. A loud ‘click’ from the door told her that it was now unlocked. The bellboy followed her into the room and put her luggage on the bed and then turned towards her.

“There is a manual on that desk that explains how everything in the room works, Miss. Or if you so wish, I can describe the functions for you.”

“I think I will read the manual, but thank you for the offer.”

“My pleasure, Miss. One last thing before I leave though, do you have any special preferences regarding room service staff?”

“I am not sure what you mean.” Mandy said with a puzzled look.

“All staff here is dressed in some form of fetish attire, as you can see my uniform is made from latex. Some wear latex, some wear leather, others PVC, and some of our maids and waitresses are actually males.”

“Oh. No, I don’t have any preferences about that.”

“Then I will leave you to start enjoying your vacation, Miss.” The bellboy said with a smile.

Mandy gave the young man a tip and closed the door. She looked around the room. It was about the size of a normal single room at a better class hotel. The bed was 120cm wide with large bedposts and the bed sheets were all shining red PVC, just as she had requested. The underside of the bed was actually a cage with a thin PVC mattress and vertical steel bars along all four sides. She had not requested the cage, but it was standard on all beds in the mansion. The bed frame and posts had lots of rings and attachment points going from top to bottom.

At one wall was a fairly common desk and chair and in one corner an armchair with a small table in front of a large TV on the wall. Beside the obviously bondage-designed bed, there were only one other bondage oriented item visible in the room, a St.Andrews cross. A look in the two large closets, which also had lots of rings and attachment points inside them, revealed the other items she had requested. Lastly she took a quick look into the bathroom; which was a mostly regular hotel bathroom with a shower, except for the rings and attachment points spread all over.

She picked up the manual and sat down in the armchair to read, and she noticed the manual not only covered the equipment in her room but also the things she had requested for one of the rentable playrooms in the basement. Taking her time to read it properly it took her almost an hour to finish, but then she felt confident she knew how to use the equipment safely. As she put down the manual she looked at the clock, it was getting close to dinner time. Looking at the information brochure from the desk, she saw that the two restaurants were open 24/7 for lighter food, but that breakfast, lunch and dinner was served during specific times.

She was quite hungry from the long trip so she quickly unpacked her luggage into the one of the closets and then picked out something to wear. Her choice fell on a dark green, soft PVC summer dress that went to just above her knees, matching PVC knickers and bra and a pair of light PVC shoes without socks. She could fully understand those who loved wearing latex, as she quite liked it herself, but to Mandy, nothing could beat the feeling of soft PVC against her skin.

After getting into the clothes she looked at herself in the mirror. Looking back at her was a fairly beautiful woman in her mid thirties dressed in a green PVC summer dress. Her dark-blonde hair fell down to her shoulders and her light-blue eyes sparkled with anticipation. Her C-cup breasts filled out her bra and dress perfectly. With a big smile she left her room and headed towards the restaurants.

Monday Evening, Week One.

At first she had thought the two restaurants were of different food styles, but it had turned out they both served the same food. The difference between them was that one was a “pure fetish” restaurant and the other for those who wanted to eat in a more casual environment. It only took Mandy a second to decide where to go.

As she stepped into the fetish restaurant she was greeted by a waitress in a classic French-maids uniform made from black PVC. The waitress showed Mandy to a free table and handed her the menu. The menu was so large it took her ten minutes to finally decide what she wanted. As she waited for her starters Mandy looked around at the other guests in the restaurant.

At the table to her right was a couple, a man and a woman that were dressed in rubber from head to toe. To her left were to women, dressed in Victorian-era style silk dresses, complete with large white wigs. At a table further away a female slave was kneeling naked on the floor and eating from a dog-bowl, while her leather dressed Master sat at the table. Mandy did a quick survey and noticed that the mix of obvious slaves and submissive were fairly evenly match between men and women. Straight couples and groups were in a slight majority, but she noticed several lesbian and gay couples as well.

The waitress came with her starters and Mandy focused on the food. The food in the restaurant was absolutely marvelous, and the portions were really big as well, by the time she had finished she felt stuffed. She made a note to herself to take it a little easy on the food during her stay. If she were to eat like this three times a day for the whole of her stay, she would probably be overweight by the end of the two weeks.

As she got back to her room, Mandy literally poured herself down into the comfortable armchair in her room. She was glad she had not made any special plans for her first night, as she had assumed she would be tired from the long trip. And she was tired, both from the long trip and the huge dinner. But it was still too early to go to bed, so she picked up the book.

About two hours later she had finished the book and put it down on the table. After a quick look at the clock she decided it was still too early to sleep, so she called room-service for a cup of tea and then picked up the remote and the channel list for the TV. The Paradise had full satellite coverage and provided over 350 channels in over 50 languages. Anything from documentaries to news channels to sports to movies was available. As she was still reading thru the list, there was a knock on the door.

Mandy still had the channel list in her hand when she opened the door. Outside was someone who could best be described as a rubber maid. The person was wearing a tight, black rubber maids dress with white frills, knee high ballet heel rubber boots, full length latex gloves and stockings and also a full head latex hood with holes for eyes, nostrils and mouth. To top it off the person was also wearing a white latex apron, white latex head bow as well as a black rubber collar and wrist and ankle cuffs with white frills. The height of the person made it almost obvious that is was a man inside the outfit, and that the enormous breasts had to be fake or maybe even inflatable. The maid was holding a tray with a large cup of steaming tea.

“Your tea, Miss.” The maid said with a quite feminine voice and held the tray out.

Mandy did not have any prejudices against others, after all she was a fetishist herself and also bi-sexual.

“Thank you very much.” She said with a friendly smile as she took the tray. “Wait just a second.”

She took the tray inside and put it on the table beside the armchair and then went back to the door, handing the maid its tip. The maid looked at the channel list in Mandy’s hand.

“Do you have any problems with the TV, Miss?” the maid asked.

“No, just trying to decide what channel to watch.” Mandy said with a laugh.

“You might want to have a quick look at the ones named ‘Local’, Miss.” The maid said with a smile and a wink and then walked away.

Mandy returned to the armchair, sipped the tea and continued looking thru the channel list. There were no less then ten ‘Local’ channels named ‘Local 1’ to ‘Local 10’, not giving any clue as to what was shown on them. Curious, Mandy picked up the remote and picked the first ‘Local’ channel.

When the TV came to life, Mandy’s jaw dropped. It showed a live feed from one of the two large public playroom/dungeons in the basement. She quickly flipped thru the rest of the ‘Local’ channels. Numbers one to three all showed the same playroom/dungeon, but from different angles, numbers four to six showed the second of the large public playroom/dungeons from different angles, and remaining four showed the outside areas of the huge pet play area. Pet play was something Mandy did not know very much about, so she flipped between those channels as she slowly drank her tea.

She saw men and woman dressed in various outfits being trained and treated as ponies, dogs and several other animals. By the time she had finished her tea, she was horny as hell and her pussy was soaking wet. It took almost all her willpower to prevent herself from masturbating, but she wanted to save herself for tomorrow. She turned off the TV, stripped off her PVC clothes and headed to the shower. While she showered she again had to will herself not to masturbate. As she was drying herself she knew she had to do something to prevent herself from masturbating in her sleep, as she knew that had happened before.

When she was dry, she went to the closet where she had unpacked the stuff she brought with her and started selecting the stuff to wear for the night. The chastity belt, definitely. Her soft lined, leather wrist and ankle cuffs, absolutely, and the matching collar as well. And for the final touch she selected a fur lined leather blindfold and a medium sized ball-gag with breathing holes.

She started with locking the chastity belt, cuffs and collar in place with padlocks, all using the same key. Then she looked in the second closet, and picked out two lengths of chain from the large selection that was provided with the room. Sitting down on the bed, she locked one chain to one of the connection points at the footboard of the bed. The second chain she connected to the headboard and passed it under the PVC covered pillows. Making sure the remaining padlocks were open, she put the keys inside the small timer-locked steel box on the bedside table.

The steel box was standard in all self-bondage themed rooms in the Mansion. The information brochure had told her that it was connected to the Mansions computer system, and also had a sensor in it that was sensitive enough to feel the presence of even a single, small key. If the key had not been removed within 30 minutes of the timer opening the lock, a staff would be sent to the room for a safety check.

After some thought Mandy set the timer on the steel box to open at 9am the next morning, and also to sound an alarm when it opened. As it was about 10:30pm right now, she would get a little more then ten hours of bondage sleep, just what she needed after the long trip. She slammed the box lid shut and made sure it was locked. Then she locked her ankle cuffs together and slid underneath the cool PVC sheets.

Moving herself to the middle of the bed, Mandy reached down and locked the chain from the footboard to her ankle cuffs. Then she reached up and locked the chain from the headboard to her collar. Both chains had enough slack to allow her some movement, but they would stop her from rolling out of the bed. Next she put on the gag and then she locked her wrist cuffs together in front. She would have preferred locking her hands behind her back. She had done self-bondage for over ten years now, and she was more then able to sleep well with her hands bound behind her back. But having her hands bound behind her back she would not be able to reach the keys in the morning, so it had to be hands in front this night. Lastly she reached up and pulled down the blindfold over her eyes.

Just as her sight was cut off by the blindfold she noticed something. A quick lift of the blindfold showed her that she really had seen what she thought she had seen, and lowered it again. ‘That might really come in handy later, to bad I didn’t see it earlier’ she thought to herself. Resting her head on the PVC covered pillow she sighed happily, her dream vacation had really begun.

Even tough she was excited and horny as hell from what she had seen on the TV, the trip and her very long day took its toll. Less then five minutes later Mandy was asleep, dreaming of what the coming two weeks would hold in store for her.



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